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Fishline Technique

Subject: Fishline Technique
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 15:06:08
Ron Swindens fishline technique is so simple it really dosent need a video to
explain things. All you need is several lengths of about 10lb breaking strain
line and  half a dozen house bricks. Tie a brick (or half brick) to end of each
line and drape over surface to be filled at about 18ins intervals (ie- paralell
accross wing surface for example) . Slap large wodge of mixed filler on surface
and spread evenly with wide spreader (plasterers spreaders are available at pro
paint shops and are about 24 ins long - ideal !) Actually its best if the lines
are placed after filler is applied. Then scrape along the tops of the lines
(they act like rails) to remove the excess mix which is then reused further
along the surface. Systematically work your way along the flying surface moving
the first line to the next position and so on. If the filler is slightly on the
wet side, the marks left by the lines will fill in when the lines are removed.
Voila ! (I think that means "and there you have it "- in French).
Failing this I have a set of pictures of the filling and sanding process as
displayed at Sywell.

Hope this helps.

Dot and Carl Pattinson

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