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Re: filling & paint

Subject: Re: filling & paint
From: Dirk Rackley <>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 08:57:22
>>>Only if its shiny can you really tell what your 
>final gloss coat will look like.<<
>Sounds like Dirk Rackley's spray can cellulose. Suggest any low areas that
>clean up are manually taken off before next coat to avoid risk of adhesion
>problems between the cellulose and the epoxy primer. Dirk?

"Long boarding" anything will show any low or high spots in the surface.
Always use a cross stroke to the surface or the side of the board will
create it's own problems.

Even if you don't use a "guide coat" you would be able to see low spots even
---From the lack of sand scratches (in the direction you just sanded) in the
low area.

You should always topcoat filler material with more filler material, be it
body filler, micro, cabosil, or primer, and scuff the low surfaces that did
noty get cut by your sanding.

When you get it to the primer stage and guide coat it, and you find a bad
low spot you should remove the primer via sanding down to the first filler

My lengthy body work and painting guide that the Compuserve folks and a book
author requested is almost done, and I'll let the people here know where to
FTP it.


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