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Re: Europa_Mail:Prop balancing

Subject: Re: Europa_Mail:Prop balancing
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 15:48:50
Are we beginning to boogie on this one?

James Mcdiarrid tells us that it can be done in the States for 50 in 25
mins.usin a strobe and washers added to a predetermined point. The problem
being determining that point.

Jerry Davis tells us about Noel Trigg's 300 solution (I heard 350 plus 
ex's). He also tells us about Skydrive's static balancer.

Rowland seems to think that the committee would agree to the Europa Club
purchasing proprietary equipment. That would be great news for the future,
but there must be props out there, like mine, that would benefit from a
solution now.

Having just paid 1300 Insurance and other serious expenses to get my baby 
airborne, my good lady is not amused with the idea of another 500 to make  it
run smoother.

Does anyone have any specific data for me to knock up a dynamic balance rig
to try out. Perhaps we could pass it around afterwards. 

Happy Swinging ........Bryan Allsop

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