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Re: Europa-List: Rotax 914 starting problems when hot

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Rotax 914 starting problems when hot
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 20:49:57

Hi Neville,

> Can you provide us with the under cowl temps you saw during your Flight
> Test Program ?

Nope, don't have that data. But I plan to do some measurements this summer.

> would be
> interesting to see how the removal of all through air flow has effected
> under cowl temps. Heat from the exhaust / Turbo has to go somewhere ?

I bet it is much lower than it was before. The air leaving the radiator
blows right between the exhaust tubes and turbo. Air box temp (I have a
sensor there) is also lower than it used to be. And I have no signs of
elevated temps in the cowling (no discolourisation, no melted tie wraps,

Of course, once the engine is switched off the radiant heat will still
heat up everything and boil away the fuel.


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