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RE: Fuel tank & systems

Subject: RE: Fuel tank & systems
From: Plantragg Developments <>
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 09:59:57
Hi! Paul McAllister and Best wishes for year 2000. I may be not very 
helpful on this but you need to speak to Andy Draper at Europa Re :- water 
drain mod. I think it's mandatory so you should be entitled to the mod and 
components, which include  lengths of copper pipe which you bend to collect 
water from the rearmost bottom corner of both sides of the saddle tanks, 
since the aircraft sits tail down the water will collect there.Then there 
is a revised aluminium fitting which makes provision for two exit pipes in 
each location (one for the water and one for the clean fuel with a gauze to 
restrain any solids) Both assemblies are inserted into the tank exits with 
about a 2" piece of rubber hose jubilee clipped to the tank and the 
assembly , then the fuel pipes can continue from there. In the case of the 
mono wheel a/c the water drain needs extending backwards along the fuselage 
to a lower position . On the trike which parks in a more horizontal 
position I have put my water drain taps into the inspection window so when 
draining water I will need to remove the inspection window to allow it to 
be much lower than the tank. Alternatively , you could locate in the same 
place as the mono but get someone to hold the tail down when checking for 
water !!!!
On the question of aluminium pipes I guess this wish comes out of a desire 
for "self preservation" ! have stuck to the plastic pipes but arranged for 
the site gauge to be up the forward tank bulkhead between the seats and 
shrouded the plastic pipe in another rigid plastic pipe with the orifice 
between filled with gliscerene. This way I get the benefit of about X3 
light refraction magnification of a black line drawn on a white plastic 
card inserted in the orifice behind the plastic fuel pipe  indicating the 
level of the fuel. I've cut a 1" wide x 3" long slot into the top of the 
tunnel in front of the pipe enabling you to see it  below the tunnel level, 
but at this fuel level you are below the saddle split anyway and should be 
landing for more fuel ! Whilst this still utilises the plastic pipes it at 
least shortens the length and keeps it back from the firewall., and doesn't 
surround the Pilot.! The final run of the sight gauge vent  returns into 
the front tank bulkhead in copper bundy brake pipe across the top of the 
tank to exit above the tank vent pipe and continues in plastic.( When the 
plastic becomes "dated" at least that part will not require replacement!)
IMHO the use of solid aluminium pipes presents unforeseen problems in 
fixing , fretting , and flexing. You will need to use some plastic pipe 
though because of the restrictor plug.
On the question of tank expansion I'm wondering if you have a later tank 
than pre-expansion is necessary , I would check with the factory since I 
know they changed the mix about our number.
However , what is important is to get the tank positioned correctly in the 
vertical position (talking with the aircraft parked in normal mode , 
because it is confusing which is vertical when the tank is inserted with 
the cockpit module upside down or indeed nose down ) The potential for 
spar/tank  contact is on the upper edges of the spar  where the tank 
overhangs the spars, the fore and aft dimension is maintained adequate by 
the aluminium/plywood spacers on the forward tank bulkhead.
Hope this goes partway to assist you .! Better give me a landline call if 
it's too deep to register!!
01472. 852498.
Bob Harrison 337 G-PTAG.

-----Original Message-----
From:        Paul McAllister []
Sent:        01 January 2000 17:43
Subject:        Fuel tank & systems

Hi all,

I am currently working on the cockpit module and I need to turn my 
to the fuel system soon.  Could some of you share your wisdom on the
following matters.

1.  How can I fit water drains into the system.  Do I put them in the 
of the tank, and if so, what type and how.

2.  I would like to use aluminum lines to the engine and to the bottom of
the sight gauge.  What
gauge of pipe has worked out best here ?.  What would the recommended
fittings be ?

3.  Has anyone had any problems with the rubber hose attachment and hose
clips on the fuel tank ?  Do you use any sealant here ?  Would a threaded
fitting into the tank be better ?

4.  The manual recommends filling the tank about a month before to ensure 
is fully expanded.  Is regular auto gas okay.  Is the alcohol additive
likely to be a problem ?

5.  I can't really assemble the wings into the cockpit module to check for
clearance because its too darn cold this time of year.  I was going to use
the dummy spars but I noticed that they aren't quite as thick as the actual
spars.  Is this likely to be a problem ?

Happy building & flying in 2000.

Regards,  Paul McAllister (363)

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