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Re: Europa-List: Nav Lights

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Nav Lights
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2017 15:35:01

Matt, I do not know the complete answer to that but I suspect that
running the wires along the aileron and flap close outs would be my
approach, probably drilling across the wing tip space from just outside
the outer aileron hinge. No doubt you will have thought of that
yourself, but my point in posting this is to strongly advise you to
ensure that any holes through the wing structure are sealed to be
completely airtight. An intact wing XS floats nicely as demonstrated by
the one which ditched off Chile and floated nicely to be towed ashore.
If air can escape then I have no doubt that the plane will sink almost
as quickly as a PA 28 does (3 mins give or take a few seconds!). Of
course if your wings are full of foam you haven't too much to worry

Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ 

On 2017-10-30 19:24, Matt Dovey wrote: 

> I'm hoping to fit some LED Nav/Strobe lights over the winter on my classic. 
> I'm
interested in how people have run their wiring from the tip to the wing root.
I understand that some fitted conduit before the skins were bonded in place.
What alternate methods have been used?
> Read this topic online here:
> [1]


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