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Europa-List: North Coates this weekend!

Subject: Europa-List: North Coates this weekend!
From: JonSmith <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 03:34:15

Hi, just a quick reminder for anyone interested that this weekend (15th/ 16th 
is our North Coates "Wings and Wheels" fly-in that David kindly included
in the Europa Flyer and Club events listing page. 

If the weather is anything like, then it's a nice and enjoyable event to go 
to, it's a very friendly club and an airfield with an interesting heritage.
We have a "Heritage room" with exhibits and memorabilia  of the airfield over
the years - the earliest recorded aircraft movement was in 1916!

No landing fees and excellent burgers from the BBQ for just 3!  Routing up the
east coast will give you a lovely view of the Lincolnshire coastline and you 
certainly see hundreds of seals on the shoreline in the Donna Nook area. 

The Donna Nook range will be closed (its weekday only) so no problems there.  
airfield is easy - a nice 760 M grass runway, 23/05 with air-ground radio on

The event is also being supported by the International Auster Club so if you 
looking at those then this might be the place to come......!  There will be
Car & Motorcycle clubs displaying as well as other organisations.  A BBMF 
flypast is scheduled for the Sunday and if we are lucky the Search &a Rescue
helicopter based at Humberside sometimes does a "practice" winch pick up
during these weekends....!

Sadly for me, despite requesting the weekend off, I have to go to work for all
of it so won't be around.  The club secretary and one of the main stalwarts of
all our events (Brian) has assured me that a warm welcome will be made to 
attending.  So, fingers crossed for the weather and to anyone interested
in going, have a great time!

Classic Mono

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