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Re: Europa-List: Fwd: Re: CAMLOC Fasteners

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fwd: Re: CAMLOC Fasteners
From: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 13:44:35


I try to find some time and visit my Europa archives.
I am pretty sure I can find what I purchased from them and report to you.

All I remember there were many sizes, say at least 5. Thats because the
variance of the thickness of the lower surface. I bought quite a lot extras
to get exatly the sizes I wanted. I am not sure was it 2000 or 4000 serie,
but soon I know.

How about that?

About women & acs: isnt that so, that we would like to get the full 
authority to control
when they are shut up, speaking quietly or even screeching at full passion,
whenever and where ever we happen to want?

Pls say something that I know you have got this. I usually cannot see my 
on the Europa-list (???). So, I send them blind.

Europa #417

allekirjoitus <>
11.1.2017, 11:26, jglazener kirjoitti:
> Hello Raimo, I followed your suggestion and contacted MilSpec. I got the 
> following reply: ""I would recommend using the 4000 series C-Spec fasteners 
> for this application. The 2000 series are generally not robust enough for a 
> main cowling application. The easiest way to do this would be to use our 
> pre-engineered fastener sets found here 
> I understand from your post that you used the 2000 series. The 4000 series are
a bit more expensive but not ridiculously so, which suggests they are not just
after more money. They do however seem a lot bigger which raises weight issues.
What is your idea- is the 2000 adequate in your experience or would it be
worthwhile getting the 4000?
> BTW I like your analogy of a cowling without access hatches with a beautiful
woman. I happen to be rather partial to beautiful women as well as aircraft, and
any idea that keeps them both shut up is welcome ;-)
> Thanks,
> --------
> Jeroen
> Read this topic online here:

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