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RE: Europa-List: Re: LAA/CAA IFR permission on europas

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: LAA/CAA IFR permission on europas
From: Brian Davies <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2015 21:11:06

Hi Graeme,

You would have to talk to Andy Draper to get more detail.  Although the
Europa has not been specifically tested it is expected to be no problem on
the flying qualities side but this has to be checked as first of type by an
approved test pilot who expects to be paid.  Most of the instrumentation
issues arise from uncertified glass rather than a standard six pack. The
Night/IFR team are developing a check list that can be used to assess the
equipment suitability.

Give Andy a call.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of graeme bird
Sent: 03 July 2015 20:20
Subject: Europa-List: Re: LAA/CAA IFR permission on europas

Yes someone should do this :-). What kind of amount of money are you talking
about Brian?
Is the simulated and actual IMC by the owner or someone else?
Soon there must be a feeling for an acceptable level of instrumentation so
that its not an entire waste of time?
I am based close to Turweston maybe that would be an advantage? I have a AH,
DI (vac) slip VSI etc and a couple of GPS's and an IMC rating am I likely to
need loads more?

Graeme Bird
Mono Classic/XS FFW 912S/Woodcomp 3000/3W
Newby: 180 hours 4 years on the Mono

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