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Europa-List: Electrical bonding

Subject: Europa-List: Electrical bonding
From: Kelvin Weston <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:11:10

Hi All

There is no mention in the Europa build manual of any requirement for electrical

I assume therefore, that there is no need for electrical bonding of the various
metal parts bolted to the airframe, ie control rods, brackets, etc.

But what have others done?

Obviously there is a requirement on a composite airframe for an earth return 
---From the various electrical bits and I know there has been much discussion
on this forum regarding avionics earths, earth loops and power / signal returns
to avoid noise and interference. But what about electrical bonding?

Has anyone felt the need to bond fuel fittings for example?

I know Im opening a can of worms here, but hey! Its a discussion forum after 


Kelv Weston
Kit 497

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