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Re: Europa-List: Re: Acceptable runway length?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Acceptable runway length?
From: David Watts <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 21:40:58


I've only got 40 hours on the Tri-gear Europa (1,800 on the Mono-wheel) but it
sounds to me like you need to hold a bit more aft pressure on the stick. I have
found that the Tri-gear leaves the ground at 45 or even as low as 40, even on
grass, depending on how close cut it is. You really need to make sure the nose
wheel is off the ground as much as possible as it causes tremendous drag when
on grass, to the extent that if the grass is long enough and wet enough you
won't even get off. 

Dave Watts

> On 10 Nov 2014, at 21:22, Rick Moss <> wrote:
> Hi Pete:
> I'm running the Constant Speed Unit set to 5700rpm on takeoff, and holding a
little aft pressure on the stick; it lifts off around 50-55kts ias with half 
> Read this topic online here:

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