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Re: Europa-List: Acceptable runway length?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Acceptable runway length?
From: Pete Lawless <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 18:30:30

Hi Rick

What sort of rpm are you getting on the roll?  300 m+ sounds a bit long 
to me for a 912s.  I only get near that on a hot day at max weight with 
a 912ul (80hp).

G-RMAC #109

On 10/11/14 17:41, Rick Moss wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to the Europa, and trying to get to grips with what constitutes an 
> acceptable
runway length, having come to the conclusion that the quoted 600' is
somewhat optimistic! (although perhaps achievable on tarmac with a very healthy
pull at Vs+1kt?).
> I'm flying from an undulating 500m grass strip at 1000'. Every flight thus far
has been made with a 90 crosswind. At one end of my strip is a 40' obstacle.
> My Europa is an XS with a 912S and Airmaster CS prop. The strip drains well,
but as winter approaches it will inevitably get soft.
> In terms of landing, I have never used more than around 300m when approaching
at 63kts. On takeoff, it seems to use 300m+ to lift off and then accelerate in
ground effect to climb away (at a sprightly 1200 fpm at 75kts).
> What sort of runway legth do you guys look for? What is your personal minima?
> Read this topic online here:

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