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Re: Europa-List: fuselage dolly

Subject: Re: Europa-List: fuselage dolly
From: Michael Orth <>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 13:12:50
What a wonderful gesture.
Thanks for caring,



From: Paul & Vanessa Munford 
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 9:59 AM
Subject: Europa-List: fuselage dolly
My Europa is now standing on its own three wheels so I have no further 
use for the support frame. It is a large long triangular construction 
with braked castoring wheels on each corner. Suitable for mono or tri 
gear & available for a contribution to 'Help fo Heroes' charity only. 
Obviously for collection but does fit on a roof rack. I live in north 
Essex near Saffron Walden. Paul Munford kit 625. Please telephone 07816 
463106. Seasons greetings to everyone & all the best for the new year

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