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Re: Europa-List: MOD 78

Subject: Re: Europa-List: MOD 78
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 11:37:23

Dave, Nev has just completed 78 on my wings which I hope is the next customer 
Motorglider to take to the air. New sockets came with the kit.
Watched your early inputs, kept me going especially after Europa went bust.
Alan Twigg
Kit 463 in UK
Fuselage prepping for paint, mod 78 in post cure,  ailerons and air brakes 

Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Oct 2013, at 07:40, "djaflyact" <> wrote:

> Hello Europa Builders,
> I've been off this list for a while, but here I am again. I've got the mono 
> wheel
motor glider with about 550 hours on it now. I believe mine was the first
customer long wing to fly.
> Now I am starting the infamous Mod 78. Has anyone successfully done this mod
themselves yet? I have just started by pulling the wings and organizing the 
in anticipation of the big job. The first thing I have noticed is the front
pin and socket on the fuselage has significantly more play in it than the 
socket. Was this socket replacement due to a structural considerations
or just the make the rigging easier? It seems that socket location sets the 
if incidence and I would think there should be virtually no play there. The
pin has a shoulder on it and I was thinking that the shoulder was what does
the trick. It doesn't seem to, though.
> On the other hand, I did see a couple small parts wrapped in the package, so
possibly there is some part I am not considering. I have not seen any drawings
or pictures of the new socket.
> I hope this mod goes well. After getting all the angles and rigging set, its
hard to tear that all apart again - especially after flying it for over 10 years
> Thanks,
> Dave Anderson
> A227 - Motorglider (no short wings)
> Read this topic online here:

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