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Europa-List: Re: Sub Panels....thanks

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Sub Panels....thanks
From: Alan Carter <>
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 16:21:46

I am not sure on this maybe you have the answer,
But as far as I know the Europa is not cleared for flight in IMC.
and if ever you find yourself in  real cloud being bumped around in bad weather
on limited panel I think you will find it quit frightening, and maybe a change
of underpants needed. Cloud is beautiful and fun to fly in, but it can also
kill you. 
The reason I purchased a Europa is that it can be trailed around as you can de
rige the plane in 20 minutes, trailer it home for repair, store it in my garage
if I get short of money and can't afford the hangerage, few home built aircraft
have this potential , pretty simple reasons .

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