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Europa-List: Re: Which Fuel Flow Meter for Europa

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Which Fuel Flow Meter for Europa
From: zwakie <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 05:35:54

I am extremely happy with my FC-10 ( ).

As Raimo, I would be uncomfortable without a FF now I got used to having one. 

For all FF's a calibration needs to be performed, which basically means flying
of fuel and recording times and Gallons/Liters, then doing the math. Not a big
deal. As a bit of additional safeguard, I put the actual fuel tank content minus
6 liters in as the maximum for the "virtual tank", and set warning about 3
liters 'above' the real point where main tank runs empty and switching to 
is required to keep the engine running.

After putting in the K-factor that came with the sender, I burnt about 75 liters
of fuel, then I calculated that I had to make a small adjustment. This 
gave me an accuracy of about 3% over the next 250 liters burnt (or should
I say inaccuracy [Wink]). I then stopped recording all of the time because there
was hardly any variance in the numbers. Now I check accuracy every once in
a while, usually once a year over the course of a couple of flights.

Marcel Zwakenberg
(Europa Classic Tri-Gear PH-MZW)

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