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Europa-List: Europa Club Bash - This Weekend

Subject: Europa-List: Europa Club Bash - This Weekend
From: <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 13:30:36
Just a reminder to our members that the Europa Club will be holding its 
2013 Annual General Meeting and general "Good-time-bash" this Saturday 
at Popham airfield (EGHP - and we will 
be open for business from late Friday afternoon through to Sunday - you 
are all cordially invited.

We will have two large marquees so that anyone wishing to stay will have 
somewhere sheltered to stay over Friday and Saturday Night.

Popham has a toilet block with washing facilities (but sadly now showers).

To encourage you to come, the club will be providing a barbeque midday 
Saturday. On offer; ground mince burgers (with not a trace of horse), 
pork steaks, spicy chicken and beefsteaks. All we ask is that to bring 
along a pudding.

On Saturday evening, to encourage you to stay over and make a party out 
of the event, our resident Chinese chef, Wun Hung-Lo will be providing 
what I think he said was "Stirred Fly wiv Lice". I'm not sure what that 
is but I have seen large piles of Dim Sum and chicken with black bean in 
his 'fridge.

We have arranged for a couple of Pins of real ale but would invite you 
all to "bring a bottle" We have disposable glasses, but if you prefer to 
drink with style, please bring along your favourite tankard or wine glass.

If anyone is musical, please bring along an instrument to provide some 
entertainment. I am waiting to see someone arrive with a double bass in 
a Europa.

Sunday morning we will be providing bacon and eggs with fresh coffee, 
and then, much as we love you all, you'll have to shove off, as we'll 
need to get the marquees down!

If any of the old Yorkshire "Europa Aviation" team is out there and 
listening, we would love to see you -- Ivan, Andy, Nev, Roger or John. 
(Remember lads; the food is free ;-).



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