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RE: Europa-List: 912UL operating temperature

Subject: RE: Europa-List: 912UL operating temperature
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 14:26:27


We have been going through similar angst with our engine temperatures -
following a carburettor rebuild. 

Ours was running hot due to us rebuilding/ servicing the carbs - we used the
proper Bing overhaul kit 145 per carb - ouch. We assumed that the float
levels would be set at the factory but this is not the case - there is a
tool for adjusting the float levels which can be hired (however there is a
much easier/ cheaper way - I can explain if you email me). 

Anyway, during my attempts to get to the root of the problem I found a
really good chart listing all the engine temps/ pressures on a single page.

These guys are the Rotax service agents in Canada - they have loads of
really useful helps , tips and troubleshooting charts on their site
including all the carb data - jet sizes, settings etc.

Our cylinder head temps have always been fairly low - about 80% with oil
temps between 100 - 125 C. Max CHT I have seen was about 100 but that was on
the ground with reduced cooling. 

I find EGT is a better indication of the mixture - before our problem was
fixed (getting the float levels correct) our EGT's were running at 870
(misfiring badly). Now correctly adjusted we are down to 780 and 800
(measured on the front cylinders - these are the coolest). My guess is the
rear cylinders would be 30-50 degrees hotter.

Good luck

Carl Pattinson

912 UL - 80hp

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richard Lamprey
Sent: 16 June 2013 13:40
Subject: Europa-List: 912UL operating temperature

--> <>

Greetings to all from Kenya.

Does anyone know what is the minimum cylinder head (coolant) temperature for
normal operations?  The manual gives maximum but no minimum, save for
warming up to above 50C for takeoff power.  I was told recently that
cylinder head temp should not be too much below Oil temp, but not sure about

Some years ago I had new radiators made by Docking Engineering of
Silverstone, after a leak in the Europa ones.  They have proved so efficient
that I cannot get the temp much above 105C after prolonged climb, and it
settles to 80-90C in the cruise, against an oil temp of 105C.  I put
blanking strips on them to get the temp a bit higher, to 95C, but took these
off to test recently, and down the temp went.  The plugs are fouling up with
carbon more now (with the odd missed beat), which according to the manual is
caused  by running too cool.  But I cant find that optimum operating
temperature stated anywhere.  Any ideas appreciated.

A very simple Europa...  912UL, warp-drive fixed pitch.

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