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Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 6 Msgs - 01/08/13

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 6 Msgs - 01/08/13
From: David Joyce <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 13:29:39

Dari, sad to lose you, David Joyce, G-XSDJ

  D SAGAR <> wrote:
> I would like to unsubscribe to the europa website.
> Regards,
> Dari
> ________________________________
> From: Europa-List Digest Server 
> To: Europa-List Digest List 
> Sent: Wednesday, 9 January 2013, 8:02
> Subject: Europa-List Digest: 6 Msgs - 01/08/13
> *
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> ----------------------------------------------------------
>               Europa-List Digest Archive
>                    ---
>            Total Messages Posted Tue 01/08/13: 
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Today's Message Index:
> ----------------------
>    1. 01:44 AM - Re: Power loss and Inspecting 
>comments (Max Cointe)
>    2. 02:52 AM - Re: Power loss and Inspecting 
>comments (Roland)
>    3. 02:59 PM - iPad Camara (Alan Carter)
>    4. 03:20 PM - Re: iPad Camara (John O'Connor)
>    5. 04:35 PM - Re: iPad Camara (Rob Housman)
>    6. 05:48 PM - Re: iPad Camara (Robert Borger)
> ________________________________ Message 1 
>From: "Max Cointe" <>
> Subject: RE: Europa-List: Power loss and Inspecting 
> Hi there all !
> Talking about compromise, what about drilling a hole in 
>the plug of the
> filler as a vent (like the owner of Vega ULM located in 
>our hangar has 
> done
> on his wings). With the sight gauge connected to the 
>cobra. Looks like 
> so
> simple but I can=92t see the inconvenient=85
> Max Cointe
>F-PMLH Europa_TriGear
> Kit #560 912ULS Airmaster 450 hours
> <>
> De :
> [] De la 
>part de Bud Yerly
> Envoy=E9 : mardi 8 janvier 2013 05:20
> =C0 :
> Objet : Re: Europa-List: Power loss and Inspecting 
> Paul,
> I make sure my drain for the cobra neck is a ways down 
>the tube so the 
> first
> time I know my tank is full (other than my sight gauge) 
>is fuel runs out 
> the
> vent / drain. This keeps the bugs out and the tube 
>clean I guess. I 
> put
> the vent inboard just enough to miss my toes on an 
> Airplanes are 20,000 compromises flying in close 
>formation. So we all 
> have
> to put up with something. I have never had a problem 
>with my vent tube 
> or
> drain. But then again I have a trigear and operate off 
>of asphalt. I 
> too
> do not like fumes in the plane, so I make a metal elbows 
>for the filler, 
> use
> lined fuel tube, (R9 style), put drains under the tank 
> reinforcements, under my cockpit module where my pumps 
>are, under my 
> seats
> where the filters are so I know if I have a leak 
>anywhere, and it all 
> stays
> clean.
> My wheel pants are quite low for speed and so I avoid 
>soggy grass 
> strips.
> Those who complain about upper vent vs lower vent are 
>living with other
> compromises. I just don't like them up there and 
>because I tend to do a 
> bit
> of spirited flying, fuel comes out of my upper drains if 
>installed and 
> fuel
> stains. They are tough to finish nice also, and the 
>sight gauge vent 
> tends
> to change the fuel level at different speeds. They are 
>also tougher for 
> the
> upholster to finish on the inside.
> It is all about compromises and preferences.
> Best Regards,
> bud
> ----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Paul McAllister 
> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 12:09 AM
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Power loss and Inspecting 
> Bud, 
> Thank you for your comments. Well thought out and 
>valuable as always.
> I was one of the earlier pioneers of the system to route 
>my filling vent 
> and
> into the top of the cobra inlet. For the fuel tank / 
>system vent I did
> something different again.
> I adopted the idea that Robin use and placed my vent in 
>the backside of 
> the
> wing root. At the time I thought this was a great idea, 
>but over time
> perhaps its only a good idea, maybe not even that. The 
>upside is that 
> it is
> unlikely to be plugged by mud, but there are a number of 
> - Once in a great while, if I over fill the tank, it 
>will run out of 
> this
> vent and out of the wing root over the flap. I inspect 
>the flap 
> regularly to
> make sure fuel has not got inside the core and dissolved 
>the foam.
> - If I over fill the tank the fumes make there way into 
>the flap drive 
> slot
> during flight.
> - I have to take the wing off to inspect the vent which 
>doesn't happen
> regularly. There is a slight risk on my area that an 
>insect called a 
> "Mud
> Dauber" can get in there.
> So, in conclusion, while these departures from the 
>original design seem 
> like
> a good idea there are often hidden consequences.
> Over the years I have become involved in inspecting and 
> counselling for the EAA, and the experience of this 
>community has taught 
> me
> that fuel systems and modifications to them feature high 
>on the list of
> accident causes.
> Cheers, Paul
> On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 10:40 PM, Bud Yerly 
><> wrote:
> Jim, and tibits for the rest of us:
> After the tire failure and the subsequent off roading 
>mud and dirt
> experience while cross country, I commend you for your 
>pursuit of the
> problem which cost you much time, and money. You knew 
>you had a mud 
> plugged
> vent, but an experienced guy like you missed the kinked 
>vent line cause. 
> So
> what's a normal guy to do?
> I had to ponder that we (really me), are always quick to 
>assume an 
> engine
> related problem is causing the power loss. You told me 
>about finding 
> the
> kink but I still assumed that you had a carb problem. 
>You cleared the
> clogged vent, but who would have thought about the rest 
>of the vent 
> system
> and a possible kinked line when the plane has been 
>flying for years. I 
> am
> anal about fuel system install and operation, but once 
>installed, I 
> rarely
> look beyond making sure there is not chaffing or leaks.
> Added for all of us:
> Recently I just finished an extended annual and another 
>fuel tank
> replacement / annual in a couple aircraft that I helped 
>customers build 
> back
> in 2002 and 2004. Interesting to note that on both 
>aircraft, that they 
> were
> past the 5 year hose replacement timeframe (we all dread 
>that). In both
> aircraft I found that the vent line was kinked or 
>compromised. In one 
> of
> the aircraft when the upholsterer forced the fabric 
>around the fuel 
> cover he
> had forced the fuel cover over one of the polyurethane 
>vent lines and 
> over
> time the cover pushed on it nearly flat so it barely 
>vented properly, 
> and on
> the other, the vent line was perfect looking, but the 
>hose was horribly
> brittle because the vent tube was made from clear Tygon 
>tubing. Tygon 
> is
> supposed to be completely impervious to fuel related 
>problems. Duh, 
> maybe
> not...
> In my old Europa Operators Manual there was the 
>requirement to pull the 
> fuel
> bosses off and flush the tank annually, which is quite 
>tough, but never 
> to
> check our vent system, and in the new ops manual, it 
>only indicates to 
> check
> and inspect for leaks. The 5 year recommendation for 
>changing hoses is
> still there, but not the vent lines. Vent lines never 
>get checked. 
> As far as I know, you are the first with an underside 
>vent that ever got
> plugged, however, you are the only mono I know of with 
>the vent on the
> bottom and operate off of grass a lot. In the trigear 
>the vent on the
> bottom is always clean, but your point of the oil 
>overflow on the right 
> side
> of the cowl exit and a centrally located vent will be a 
> problem
> for oil, grime and dirt. I'll have to admit I will make 
>sure my annual
> checklist is changed to check the vents.
> I prefer not to vent out of the top because with the 
>motor glider in 
> turns
> when trying to soar, the fuel sprays out of the vent in 
>right turns. It
> also will vent fuel out if overfilled on a hot day in 
>Florida and let 
> set in
> the sun (especially a mono), which of course can ruining 
>the paint. 
> Inspecting an aircraft is not an exact science. 
>Manufacturers and
> regulating agencies give only vague guidance. We are 
>the manufacturer 
> as
> the builder, so we set the guidelines for inspections of 
>our aircraft, 
> and
> if the kit manufacturer gives guidance, we the 
>manufacturer of the 
> aircraft
> should be more specific, not less to include info on our 
>added systems,
> changes, modifications, and additional wear areas or 
>time change items 
> due
> to all the above. I'm in the US, and have my A&P use 
>the FAA FAR 43
> Appendix D as well as the engine 100 hour checklist and 
>I insist on him
> using the Kit Manufacturers guidelines such as the 
>Appendix E of the 
> build
> manual and Section 8 of the Ops manual when inspecting 
>an experimental
> aircraft. Now, I have been accused of doing a complete 
>rebuild instead 
> of
> an annual inspection, but I am anal so that is my 
>excuse, but on an
> experimental aircraft (especially one I didn't help 
>build or maintain) I
> have found that there are many non standard items, 
>routing conflicts 
> between
> wiring, fuel lines, brake lines and control cables, as 
>well as poor
> installation of equipment and structural construction 
>mistakes that the
> builder and final FAA inspector missed on the initial 
> Inspection. The FAA actually requires us, as US 
>Experimental Aircraft
> Manufacturers, to have established maintenance and 
> procedures.
> I am attaching my personal annual inspection checklist 
>out in the open 
> to
> show what we the builder can do to improve the 
>inspections on our 
> aircraft.
> I only just added an item to inspect the fuel vents 
>since you called me
> about the problem weeks ago. I developed this checklist 
>long ago, 
> before
> becoming a Europa owner and just tailored it to include 
>items in the 
> Europa
> Section 8 inspection, the FAA and LAA recommended 
>guidelines etc. I am
> preparing to submit some of this info in a condensed 
>fashion in an 
> updated
> Tech Support section of Europa's Website as well as some 
>other notes we 
> all
> should know when maintaining the Europa. Now this is my 
> checklist,
> not for general dissemination as a Europa Directive, but 
>provided for 
> others
> to see that an annual inspection is not a walk around. 
>But then again, 
> it
> is not an IRAN (Inspect and Repair as Necessary) like 
>the military does 
> by
> completely disassembling every panel, inside and out, 
> wings,
> engine, etc. and inspect, refurbish, service and repair 
>all the above, 
> it is
> however, more than a quick check for wrinkles in the 
>skin, change the 
> oil
> and sign it off.
> Great job of troubleshooting and thanks for the report 
>Jim. Your 
> findings
> and my recent observations have changed my annual 
>checklist for sure...
> Regards,
> Bud Yerly
> href="";>http://www.matron/
> href
> <http://www.matronhref=%22http/
> matro
> href="";>
> ________________________________ Message 2 
> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Power loss and Inspecting 
>From: "Roland" <>
> Hi Bud,
> how about refueling the Europa on a trailer at the gas 
>station (I climb onto the
> trailer with the petrol nozzle)? 
> This should be no problem, right?
> Thanks!
> Roland
> XS Trigear 914
> Read this topic online here:
> ________________________________ Message 3 
> Subject: Europa-List: iPad Camara
>From: "Alan Carter" <>
> Hello All.
> There is one place on this aeroplane i have been unhappy 
>with , it the rear end.
> I am sure most owners feel quit OK with it, but i am 
>not, so for me i want to
> do something to make me feel better,hence my question.
> I use an iPad GPS with WiFi for navigation, is there 
>such a thing as a wireless
> camera with the transmitter in the actual camera, that i 
>can mount on the rear
> top fuselage that will send video to my iPad.
> Small wireless camera that will work with iPad 3. 
> Many thanks.
> Alan
> Read this topic online here:
> ________________________________ Message 4 
>From: "John O'Connor" <>
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: iPad Camara
> Try googling for ipad reversing camera and you will see 
>that a lot of
> people are trying to do this. Some seem to have done it!
> jpoc
> On 09/01/13 11:58, Alan Carter wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> There is one place on this aeroplane i have been unhappy 
>>with , it the rear end.
> I am sure most owners feel quit OK with it, but i am 
>not, so for me i want
> to do something to make me feel better,hence my 
>> I use an iPad GPS with WiFi for navigation, is there 
>>such a thing as a wireless
> camera with the transmitter in the actual camera, that i 
>can mount on the rear
> top fuselage that will send video to my iPad.
>> Small wireless camera that will work with iPad 3. 
>> Many thanks.
>> Alan
>> Read this topic online here:
> ________________________________ Message 5 
>From: "Rob Housman" <>
> Subject: RE: Europa-List: iPad Camara
> The WiFi version of one of these should work: 
> There were
> several aircraft on static display at AOPA Summit with 
>GoPro cameras mounted
> in various locations.
> There is also a version of the Sony with WiFi, and a 
>simple watertight case
> (with 1/4-20 female thread for mounting) is standard 
>with this camera, plus
> it has a smaller profile (read: less drag)
> der,-Go-Pro,-Skateboarding,-Cycling,-Hiking,-AS10/en/p/HDRAS10/B
> Best regards,
> Rob Housman
> Irvine, California
> Europa XS
> Rotax 914
> S/N A070
> Airframe complete
> Avionics soon
> -----Original Message-----
> [] On 
>Behalf Of John O'Connor
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 3:19 PM
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: iPad Camara
> Try googling for ipad reversing camera and you will see 
>that a lot of people
> are trying to do this. Some seem to have done it!
> jpoc
> On 09/01/13 11:58, Alan Carter wrote:
>> --> <>
>> Hello All.
>> There is one place on this aeroplane i have been unhappy 
>>with , it the
> rear end. I am sure most owners feel quit OK with it, 
>but i am not, so for
> me i want to do something to make me feel better,hence 
>my question.
>> I use an iPad GPS with WiFi for navigation, is there 
>>such a thing as a
> wireless camera with the transmitter in the actual 
>camera, that i can mount
> on the rear top fuselage that will send video to my 
>> Small wireless camera that will work with iPad 3. 
>> Many thanks.
>> Alan
>> Read this topic online here:
> ________________________________ Message 6 
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: iPad Camara
>From: Robert Borger <>
> Gents,
> I have a GoPro 2 with WiFi bakpak and the WiFi app on 
>both my iPhone and iPad.
> I can verify that it works just fine on both. You can 
>view the video from the
> camera and operate the camera controls from the iPhone 
>or iPad.
> The only problem might be mounting the camera on the 
>tail. It's not the most streamlined
> camera out there but other folks have mounted them on 
>the wings and
> body of aircraft so there is probably a way to do it.
> Blue skies & tailwinds,
> Bob Borger
> Europa XS Tri, Rotax 914, Airmaster C/S Prop.
> Little Toot Sport Biplane, Lycoming Thunderbolt AEIO-320 
> 3705 Lynchburg Dr.
> Corinth, TX 76208-5331
> Cel: 817-992-1117
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 6:34 PM, Rob Housman 
><> wrote:
> The WiFi version of one of these should work: 
> There were
> several aircraft on static display at AOPA Summit with 
>GoPro cameras mounted
> in various locations.
> There is also a version of the Sony with WiFi, and a 
>simple watertight case
> (with 1/4-20 female thread for mounting) is standard 
>with this camera, plus
> it has a smaller profile (read: less drag)
> der,-Go-Pro,-Skateboarding,-Cycling,-Hiking,-AS10/en/p/HDRAS10/B
> Best regards,
> Rob Housman
> Irvine, California
> Europa XS
> Rotax 914
> S/N A070
> Airframe complete
> Avionics soon
> -----Original Message-----
> [] On 
>Behalf Of John O'Connor
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 3:19 PM
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: iPad Camara
> Try googling for ipad reversing camera and you will see 
>that a lot of people
> are trying to do this. Some seem to have done it!
> jpoc
> On 09/01/13 11:58, Alan Carter wrote:
>> --> <>
>> Hello All.
>> There is one place on this aeroplane i have been unhappy 
>>with , it the
> rear end. I am sure most owners feel quit OK with it, 
>but i am not, so for
> me i want to do something to make me feel better,hence 
>my question.
>> I use an iPad GPS with WiFi for navigation, is there 
>>such a thing as a
> wireless camera with the transmitter in the actual 
>camera, that i can mount
> on the rear top fuselage that will send video to my 
>> Small wireless camera that will work with iPad 3. 
>> Many thanks.
>> Alan
>> Read this topic online here:

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