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Europa-List: Re: Ethanol Testing Kits

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Ethanol Testing Kits
From: goff <>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 08:35:42

Hello all,

1. Regular unleaded UK Mogas blended to EN228 is approved for only the 912, not
the 912S or the 914. Also this fuel is likely to be diluted with ethanol, which
the CAA forbids.

2. Super unleaded Mogas is approved for the 912S, but only if blended to EN228.
But all UK super unleaded Mogas is blended to BS7800, and this is not approved
by the CAA or LAA.

So we can't use any Mogas in the UK. (We could of course but it would invalidate
our insurance in the event of a related problem).

3. 100LL Avgas is approved for the 912S, but we need to limit this to avoid lead
build up.

4. UL91 Avgas is approved for the 912S and is the ideal fuel.


Rotax Bulletin dated 31/8/2011

LAA Aviation April 2012 - Safety Spot.


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