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Re: Europa-List: venting cooling system 912S

Subject: Re: Europa-List: venting cooling system 912S
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 00:05:57
Graeme=0Ayes you are right, if memory serves it was referred to as "Nev's O
rifice"=0AIf the swirl pot is higher than the radiator you won't need it bu
t it's awkward =0Aon a Classic=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A__________________
______________=0AFrom: graeme bird <>=0ATo: europa-list@m Sunday, 25 September, 2011 19:58:05=0ASubject: Europa-
graeme bird" <>=0A=0AI seem to recall seeing somewhere ho
w to vent the cooling system to remove =0Apotential air bubbles but cant fi
nd it. I have been doing some engine runs while =0Awaiting for permission t
o test fly and it seems to be getting pretty warm - =0Awater to 120 C after
 around 20 mins at 2200 rpm and I wondered if there is air =0Ain the system
 or if that is normal.=0A=0AAm I right in thinking you slip up the port sid
e radiator connection rubber and =0Adrill a small hole on the rad flange?
=0A=0A--------=0AGraeme Bird=0AG-UMPY=0AMono Classic/XS FWFD 912ULS/Warp dr
ive FP=0ABuild nearing completion=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this topic online here

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