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Re: Europa-List: What a great time

Subject: Re: Europa-List: What a great time
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 06:35:03
Thanks also to Paul McAllister who collected the seeds of the idea from the
 =0ACanard Rough River event and sewed them among the Europa tribe. Paul wo
rked =0Aquite hard the previous couple of years.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A
________________________________=0AFrom: Erich Trombley <erichdtrombley@jun>=0ATo: Thursday, 23 September, 2010
 13:34:15=0ASubject: Europa-List: What a great time=0A=0AJeff,=0A=0AThank y
ou for putting the event was  fantastic.  Kim, Kevin, and =0A
myself all made it home safely today.  Bob  is down in Florida visiting wit
h =0Asome old buddies of his.  As Fred  stated the Europa was designed for 
trips like =0Aours.  We had strong head  winds which precluded us from maki
ng the trip back in =0Atwo days.   Although, our stay in Winslow, AZ last n
ight was too funny.  We were  =0Aoffered a courtesy car which the line man 
stated was donated to the  FBO.  It =0Awas a blue1981 Plymouth Reliant K st
ation wagon.  We were  informed that the car =0Awas not insured and didn't 
have current  registration or plates.  However, not =0Ato worry, everyone i
n town knows  the vehicle.  What a hoot.  We kept thinking =0Aof the Eagles
 song "Take it  Easy."  =0A=0A=0AThanks to everyone who was able to attend 
the event.   It sure was nice to =0Afinally put faces with so, so many name
s on this  great forum.=0A=0AErich Trombley=0AN28ET Classic Mono 914 =0A___
_________________________________________________________=0AGet Free Email 

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