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Europa-List: Top fuselage- rear flange gap problem

Subject: Europa-List: Top fuselage- rear flange gap problem
From: jglazener <>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 12:02:30

I am trying to get my top fuselage to fit to the bottom. This is a necessity for
most before bonding it on, but since I need to incorporate a Hi-top mod, it
is even more important to get it right before I start cutting it into pieces.

I find that even with the front flanges aligned to those in the firewall, and 
trimline on the back of the tail lined up with the end of the fuselage, I still
have a gap at the rear flanges of 9-10 mm (see attached). If I then raise
the front fuselage as per mod 64B it only gets worse, with some 11mm at the 

Is this normal? If not, what can I do about it?

Suggestions welcome, Jeroen

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