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Re: Europa-List: MONOlogue

Subject: Re: Europa-List: MONOlogue
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 22:53:43
Mike=0Anot sure I agree re air loads, the flaps were designed so that lift 
reacts straight up the support through the pivot so there should be no forc
e raising or lowering the flap. Certainly if the gear bungie is correctly a
djusted you can put the flap anywhere in flight and it doesn't move. Sure t
here might be some bias from the gear but flaps down I suspect air loads ar
e balanced by the loads in the flap hangers and can't affect fore and aft m
ovement of the flap? Comments?=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A_____________________
___________=0AFrom: Mike Parkin <>=0ATo: eu Wednesday, 31 March, 2010 19:33:38=0ASubjec
 Parkin" <>=0A=0AKingsley,=0A=0AThe mod loo
ks great.  The one concern I would have is that quite a few monos=0Aare qui
te late in the approach before the outriggers lock down, the effect=0Aof ai
r loads I think.  Your gas strut combined with the air loads .... , are=0Ay
ou quite sure they will lock down in flight.=0A=0ARegards,=0A=0AMike=0A=0AD

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