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Re: Europa-List: Re:Vents

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re:Vents
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 14:54:57 wrote:

> The key to getting the NACA vent to supply enough air to the eyeballs is  to

> provide a place for the incoming cockpit air to escape.

Oh yes, I forgot that in my previous mail. I have made an outlet in the
D-panel, attached to a scat tube that runs to the tail, and exits in the
sternpost. According to some reports this is quite a low pessure area,
because the air is drawn out via the gap between rudder and sternpost.

I wonder BTW how much you can pressurize the cabin with inlet vents and
closed oulets. Anyone ever tried to measure the difference in static
pressure inside the cabin and on the static tube? This would allow one
to fly a little bit higher without oxygen supply. ;-)


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