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Europa-List: Spare original-type tailwheel/ redux basins

Subject: Europa-List: Spare original-type tailwheel/ redux basins
From: Gerry Cole <>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 16:18:03
    Tidying up my workshop, I have just found the unused original-type 
Europa tailwheel assembly, complete with bulkhead bracket and steering 
arm, which was superseded by the current design. If anyone with an early 
Classic monowheel would like this as a spare I'll be pleased to send it 
to them for just the postage. Please contact me off list.
     On a different subject. I see that Marks & Spencer (in the UK) have 
started to stock their excellent individual Christmas puddings. These 
come in sturdy 8cm diameter hemispherical plastic basins with a ring 
base. The basins are perfect for mixing small quantities of  epoxy or 
Redux 420 when doing detailed work. Their shape allows solid residue to 
be removed easily so that they can be reused many times.
Gerry Cole

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