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Re: Europa-List: Query re:- Jeppesen 1:500,000 VFR/GPS Chart.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Query re:- Jeppesen 1:500,000 VFR/GPS Chart.
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 11:05:20

>What does the note no. 27 mean off Clacton  VFR Prohibited?

Bob - it means what it says on the can - VFR prohibited in that 
airspace. However, if you're below FL55 (or FL65 further out to sea) 
you will be underneath the controlled airspace and so OK for VFR.

The UK CAA half-million chart makes this a bit easier to see & understand.


| Rowland Carson
| <>          ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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