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Re: Europa-List: tailwheel "old"style

Subject: Re: Europa-List: tailwheel "old"style
From: JR Gowing <>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 08:23:11
I have the whole thing incl tyre and tube which I never bolted in, having g
one Singleton - 

but it is on the opposite side of the world here in Australia 

I am willing to give it to you if you prepay postage.

Let me know if you can't do better on your side of the world.

JR in Oz 
Classic, xs FWF 912ULS
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: rob zeelenberg 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 6:54 PM
  Subject: Europa-List: tailwheel =22old=22style

  Hi all,
  I,m looking for a Europa Classic mk 1 tailwheel-ass =22old-style=22especially
 the main- fitting TW01and the pivotshaft TW03 to be excact,
  are there still builders from the first kits delivered who have these ite
ms or the whole ass. still lying in the attic =3F please contact Rob Zeelenbe
rg #157 (PHPOP)

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