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Re: Europa-List:Stemme 10 Comment

Subject: Re: Europa-List:Stemme 10 Comment
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 10:46:54
Fred Klein wrote:

> After seeing the photos of the folding propeller however, my mind went
> back in time to my proud and vain relationship w/ a '73 BMW 3.0 CS
> coupe, a love/hate relationship within which I did years of hard time.
> Though bought off the dealer's showroom, I developed a healthy
> scepticism for vaunted German engineering...

Not all Germans are equal. ;-)
Whereas BMW tended to be overly complex for those years, Mercedes tended
to be straight forward and robust. I owned a BWM, but not very long.
Swapped it for a Mercedes, and have since then been sold to the total
lack of maintenance issues. Have never had to replace anything else than
exaust, batteries, tires and brake pads, for 100.000's of Km's. Love old
timers, but hate maintenance.

My Mercedes is a 1975 3.0L diesel. Didn't do any maintenance on it since
I started building my Europa. ;-)

With the same color as the Europa, it makes an interesting combo if I
transport the Europa. ;-)

See picture. Cats love the good old Merc too. And yes, behind it you see
indeed my Europa ready for being towed to the weighing facility ;-)

Frans Veldman

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