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Europa-List: Mono vs. Tri-gear

Subject: Europa-List: Mono vs. Tri-gear
From: Erich Trombley <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 18:13:51
 OOPS.  I hit the send key instead of spell check.  

Jeff, wrote,
"I took a ride with John Hurst, who only had a mono to demonstrate.  Aft
er watching an 

experienced pilot, like John, handle the mono on concrete, I quickly 

made the decision to go Tri-gear.  I've never regretted that decision."

Jeff, I am happy for you that you chose the join the Europa community wi
th Baby Blue.  The Europa is a great plane; mono or Tri-gear.  I only wi
sh that the mono wasn't disparaged in the process of making a case for t
he Tri-gear.  As a mono pilot who has only flow his plane off of hard su
rfaces (asphalt or concrete) for the last 500 hours I do realize that di
fferent skills are necessary to handle the mono.  I also recognize the f
act that these skill can be learned with the aid of competent flight ins
truction.  I had zero tailwheel time when I transitioned into the Europa
.  With a couple of hours (literally two hours) of training by Bob Linds
ay, my flight instructor transitioned into the Europa. Of course has man
y hundred of hours of tailwheel time  and did not find the Europa diffic
ult to handle.  He did note that it was different than other tailwheel a
ircraft that he had flown. My flight instructor then set out to transiti
on train my in my Europa.  With the requisite 10 hours of dual complete 
I received my tailwheel endorsement and haven't looked back.  

The mono is a great plane.  I do have to use my feet from the moment I s
tart the plane until the moment I shut it down.  I have happy dancing fe
et.  This is not a bad thing, it is just what is required.  Like any tai
lwheel aircraft you have to keep the thing going straight.  Sloppy groun
d handling is not tolerated.  I find the mono a joy to fly, all aspects 
of it.    

In closing, I am happy for any one to join the Europa family with either
 a mono or a Tri-gear.  Please do not disparage the mono to make a case 
for the Tri-gear.  Remember there are a lot of mono pilots out their tha
t love their Europa as-is and have no intention of changing the configur
ation of their bird.  

Kind regards,
Erich Trombley
N28ET Classic Mono 914
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