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Re: Europa-List: An another incident for Finnish Europa around B

Subject: Re: Europa-List: An another incident for Finnish Europa around B
From: josok <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 14:18:44

In my humble opinion it's a very good idea to create a better path for lightning
outside the wings. 2 things come to mind: The better the conductor, the less
change for heat generation. The tie-bar is not an optimal conductor and there
should be a well connected copper or aluminium bar/wire parallel to it. The 
obvious place to strike are the position lights. Maybe it's a good idea to
run their ground over the outside mesh, and not through a wire inside the wing.
The feed wires are usually longer and thus form a less interesting  path for
a strike. I've seen brick walls blown apart because the lightning followed
a path over a wire in that wall. The wire was stripped and still in place! 
for my next winter to-do list. And if ever possible, i will still avoid



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