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RE: Europa-List: FW: UK/Europe readers only - Lydeway Fly-In 2008

Subject: RE: Europa-List: FW: UK/Europe readers only - Lydeway Fly-In 2008
From: Bryan Allsop <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 15:12:25
Hi Nigel,

I would love to come, but sadly it cant be the Saturday.

Please put me down for Sunday if it turns out that way.

Best regards.


From: europa-list@matronics.comSubject: Europa-List:
 FW: UK/Europe readers only - Lydeway Fly-In 2008Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 19:

I  am not sure whether this email got sent first time around. Apologies if 
it is a repeat. 
This is a reminder for anyone considering attending the Lydeway Fly-In this
 year. There are still a few places left. As this is a strictly PPR fly-in 
with limited places if you are interested in attending please respond to th
is email. It isn't necessary to have a flying Europa for this event. In fac
t a variety of aircraft types adds to the interest of the event so if you h
ave an alternative aircraft we would be pleased to welcome you. With that i
n mind feel free to pass on details of this event to other GA pilots.


Nigel Charles


The Lydeway BBQ/Fly-In will be held on Saturday 14th June 2008 with Sunday 
15th June as a back-up day in case of bad weather. For those who haven't be
en to Lydeway before it is a 790m grass strip 11nm south of RAF Lyneham. A 
BBQ and drinks are provided for free in exchange for a couple of joyride fl
ights for local residents. Due to the numbers of flight movements during th
e day I need to limit the event to 12-14 aircraft. With that in mind it is 
strictly PPR and I am now taking bookings. If you are only able to make one
 or other of the 2 days set aside for the event that is OK as I am taking b
ookings for both days independently. There will be a weather check at 2000h
rs on Friday 14th June and immediately afterwards pilots will be notified b
y email as to which day the event will go ahead.
Anyone interested in attending should contact me at or 
by phone on 01380 860620.

Nigel Charles.

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