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Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa safety and the LAA

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa safety and the LAA
Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 16:24:10

">  You confirm that these are "secret" safety lists (is that an
> only available to LAA members. Someone seems to forget that half the
> fleet is outside the dominion of the LAA. Safety information should know
> no proprietary bounds.  FAA Advisory Circulars are freely available to all."

When I was reading on Safety Bulletin for Tailplanes, I remember reading
about the "secret" safety lists. Not easy to track down, but someone was
kind enough to send me scanned copies. I have 3 files. Unfortunate any one
of those files is too large for Matronics to handle. 

I would be pleased to share files, what is easiest way? Some good
information contained I have not seen or heard discussed anywhere else.

Ron Parigoris

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