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Re: Europa-List: GPS antennae sitingGPS antennae sitingGPS antennae siti

Subject: Re: Europa-List: GPS antennae sitingGPS antennae sitingGPS antennae siting
From: Richard Lamprey <>
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 00:27:21
Regarding loss of signal... there seem to be 'GPS deadspots' on the 
earth's surface, where the alignment of satellites never seems to 
deliver the right signal.  We have one here in East Africa, the 
north-eastern corner of Lake Victoria (worlds largest inland lake).  
Each time I transition through this zone from Nairobi, Kenya, to 
Entebbe, Uganda, in Europa 5Y-LRY, (as I did yesterday), the GPS signal 
is lost for about 40 nm along track (often ALL bars!), then its back 
again 20 minutes later along track.  Same place, any time of day (not 
sure about nighttime) or day of week!  GPS is Garmin Pilot III.  Can 
anyone explain that?

Best to all, Richard

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