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Europa-List: Wing root wiring

Subject: Europa-List: Wing root wiring
From: Kevin Klinefelter <>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 09:07:55

Hi All,
I have installed Whelen strobe and position lights on the wingtips of my 
XS mono. I installed the strobe "box" under the baggage bay. Now I need 
to wire it from the wing root to switches on the panel and to the strobe 
box in back.

I am looking for advice on where in the fuse at the wing root to route 
the wiring. The wires come out of the wing root aft of the spar. I have 
a space under the door sill to route wires. I am just trying to decide 
on a good method and placement for the connection at the wing root, and 
routing the strobe cable back to the box.

Happy Holidays,  Kevin
A211 XS 914 mono. Getting closer to flight!

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