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Re: Europa-List: Tailplane Recess

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Tailplane Recess
From: Fred Klein <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 07:17:11

On Sunday, July 1, 2007, at 01:16  AM, William Harrison wrote:

> Its just a real shame he and Europa didn't stick together long enough 
> to push through the sort of continuous refinement that, say, the RV 
> range has had. What he did do however was so good that owners and 
> builders have been able to pick up where he left off.

It's always been a mystery to me how the company evolved from the 
vision and accomplishments of Ivan into the chicanery of Keith Wilson. 
Some historical perspective from someone who has some knowledge on the 
subject, including the spin-off of the XS from the XL would be much 


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