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Europa-List: brake hose routing XS mono

Subject: Europa-List: brake hose routing XS mono
From: Keith Hickling <>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 19:02:58
Evening all,
Can someone please help me with the routing of the brake hose? The 
manual says to rout it from the brake caliper up the swing arm, forward 
of the LG08 retraction arms and over the top of the large horizontal 
tube of the LG mounting frame that the LG09 shaft goes through, up to 
the top of the tunnel and back to the master cylinder.

But my hose is 15 - 20 cm too short for that routing. It is 121 cm long 
---From the screw fittings, and this is not long enough even to go directly 
---From the master cylinder directly forward to the large tube on the LG 
mounting frame and directly back to the slave cylinder. Roger Bull tells 
me that 121 cm is the standard length. So have I misunderstood the 
manual? Has anyone else had this problem? Can someone with it accessible 
please measure the length of their hose for me?


Keith Hickling,
New Zealand,
Kit 613

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