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Re: Europa-List: Interesting builder's website

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Interesting builder's website
From: Jos Okhuijsen <>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 01:06:05

Same idea Rowland,

The forum and lists are great, but during my build i have had so much help  
 from people just by looking at their pictures.
Trimming is waisting quality, please never do that.
Server space should be no problem, neither speed.
If everything else fails, or way before that actually: Offer still stands  
for everybody who has some pictures or a whole build or anyhing in  
between: Free space and help on the Europa owners site.
Drop me a personal email if you are interested.
Since the workshop is almost empty now the plane is at the painters, i  
might even have time to help :-)


Jos Okhuijsen

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