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Re: Europa-List: First flight - ZK-POG

Subject: Re: Europa-List: First flight - ZK-POG
From: Tim Ward <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 21:05:33
Congratulations on the first flight and also another Europa on the NZ 
register . Look forward to meeting you some day and ZK-POG.
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand

Ph +64 3 3515166
Mobile 021 0640221
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Keith Hickling 
  Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:25 PM
  Subject: Re: Europa-List: First flight - ZK-POG

  Congratulations Nigel! I hope to be following you further in the year. 
If you are coming down this way (Dunedin) so let me know - we're bout 15 
minutes drive from Taiere airfield.


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Nigel & Caron Harrison 
    Sent: Monday, January 01, 2007 1:29 PM
    Subject: Europa-List: First flight - ZK-POG

    Dear All,

    I am delighted to be able to report that at 23.00 UTC (Midday local) 
on 1st January 2007, my Europa XS Trigear (ZK-POG - formerly G-WEEM, kit 
584) slipped the surly bonds of earth for the first time in the hands of 
test pilot John Martin at Tauranga airport, New Zealand. The first 
flight lasted 20 minutes and she performed faultlessly - a pleasure to 
fly. There was only the slightest wing drop in a full flap power on 
stall, and otherwise she has no vices. The grin has started and will 
only get bigger when I get my hands on the controls. I'd like to thank 
all those wonderful people who helped with the build and final 
preparations for today's momentous event, in particular Andy Draper, Nev 
Eyre, John Wheeler and everyone at Europa 2004 and especially Matthew 
Russell. Having emigrated and brought her out almost complete, here in 
NZ my thanks go especially to Rex Kenny of the CAA, Bill Sisley 
(President of the SAANZ) and Colin Alexander of Rotax fame and Mike 
Chubb and Mike Edgey of Northland Aviation.She now has to go through 40 
hours of test-flying which will be shared between John Martin and Bill 
Sisley before I can do my type rating. What better New Year's present 
could there be!

    Cheers everyone.

    Nigel Harrison


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