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Re: Europa-List: L.A. to Oshkosh 2006 and back

Subject: Re: Europa-List: L.A. to Oshkosh 2006 and back
From: Fred Klein <>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 15:55:34

Thomas...see indented comments and questions below:

On Sunday, August 6, 2006, at 09:32 PM, Thomas Scherer wrote:

> My eMail was actually written with the intent to re-concentrate on the 
> joys of building and flying the Europa.

                Thank you for accentuating the positive!

>>  Lots of cracked Rotax cores and stalls lately.

                Without doubt, the stall discussions are a consequence of our 
attempts to get our arms around Cliff & Betty Shaw's tragic accident, 
and as this occurs I trust that posts on "stalls and spins" will taper 
off. As to "cracked Rotax cores", I'm only aware of a single isolated 

> I bought my Rotax 912 in 1995 and it has been in my Europa Classic 
> Trigear since.
> I have in the entire time changed spark plugs twice and the rubber in 
> the carburators once. I truly belive it is a very solid, tried and 
> honest design. The same core is used on the 912, 912S and 914. I 
> figure the 912 does have the most safety margin and least wear. It is 
> imperative to keep it cool (I have a dual cooler setup).

                Aha...perhaps (based on forum postings) the secret to your 
may lie in part in your engine being the 912, thus avoiding the 
component stress and sensitivity to the higher compression 912S  and 
the complexity of the 914T?

> I always remind people of the Dykins design wing which is made for 120 
> kn and does perform poorly at 160 kn and higher.

                Not having the Dykins book, but recalling the Europa literature 
stating "200 mph top speed", could you elaborate on your statement that 
the Europa wing performs poorly at 160kn and higher?



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