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Re: Europa-List: 914 drivers only please...

Subject: Re: Europa-List: 914 drivers only please...
From: Cliff Shaw <>
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 17:39:16

Goofed --- Sorry   AN5-41  Bolts

Cliff Shaw
1041 Euclid ave.
Edmonds, WA 98020
425 776 5555

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Cliff Shaw
  Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 5:26 PM
  Subject: Re: Europa-List: 914 drivers only please...


  You and yours would be welcome on the "left" side if that is your wishes.

  The bolts are too short for the shock mounts. Get four AN4-41 bolts and things
will go much better. Don't make too much of a deal of it now because you will
be in there later adjusting the engine off-set (maybe, I had too) ( don't set
those cotter keys too hard if you want to make it easier later on)

  As for the one bolt that goes in backwards, Do it as the book says or you will
never get it together. The wrench will never fit the other way around. (I know)

  Now, I and the wife are off to the kids place of a little Happy New Year.  
a good one everyone !!! "

  Cliff Shaw
  1041 Euclid ave.
  Edmonds, WA 98020
  425 776 5555

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Fergus Kyle
    Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 2:46 PM
    Subject: Europa-List: 914 drivers only please...

    Now, lookit, a quick review:
                Going forward, the Europa folk call the first 'frame' the 
gear frame"(1) - and then call the next bolt-on the "Engine mounting frame"(2)
and the final one the "Rotax Ring Mount"(3).
            As  a neophyte builder, I imagined these accurate structures would
slide together as smooth as silk.  Wrong.  I haven't even tried to attach the
rotax to the intermediate frame(2) yet, because I am busy trying to wrestle the
firewall together and must have the intermediate(2) on and off the gear frame(1)
for fitting purposes.
                While doing the latter, I am using substitute bolts to save wear
and tear on the proper ones. However, when it comes to assembling this jigsaw
together,  I note the bottom bolts face forward, the top ones aft. How in Heaven
can one install the bottom ones from behind the firewall, attempt to compress
the 'Lord mounts' and turn on the requisite nuts in front - while holding
the the whole shebang together without dropping odd bits onto the floor in the
                I am getting drunk just having a small sip after every failed 
so as to forestall any nervous anxiety attack - and getting farther from
success with every try.
    Jenny says she can't stand the bl***dy wimpering and is considering moving
to the Pacific coast in spite of the earth's crust being vexed. This state of
affairs is becoming crucial and there's not much time left.
                It's time to stop cackling behind your cuffs and come to my 
There's a whole series of perplexing tasks even after this phase is
conquered so don't hesitate another minute.
                Oh, and best of 2006 to you......


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