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Re: Europa-List: wheel landings SORRY!

Subject: Re: Europa-List: wheel landings SORRY!
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 16:35:38

Good Day All,

I have been reading with great interest all the messages on this  
subject...and I have only one thing to say.......CONVENTIONAL GEAR!!!!!!! The 
scared the heck out of the wife while on the ground and she cannot see it  in 

air, so her message to me was very clear. But I wasn't willing to go back  to 
training wheels (my opinion for my flying style, no offense intended, as I'm  
an ex-spamcan flyer)

This option gives all the landing options that the mono has but with better  
stability. Speed seems to not be a problem. And can be rigged by one  person.

Thank you Bob Berube.  

Mike Duane  A207A
Redding, California
XS Conventional  Gear

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