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Re: Europa-List: Filler

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Filler
From: D Wysong <>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 12:43:31

Mike -

This fellow (Wayne Hicks) compiled a pretty good list of the "new" (and 
arguably improved because the results are much lighter) methods for 
making our glass airplanes look as smooth as... well... glass!  Worth a 
browse if you're preparing to fling yourself off the fill/sand/fill/sand 

Granted, his craft is a Cozy and not a Europa... but once you get past 
the flying backwards and winglet/canard nonsense, it isn't much different.


------------ wrote:
> Good day All,
> I was just preparing myself for the task of filling and sanding. I have heard

> so much about the hassle of it, but I figure I have to start sooner or later.
> I am using Superfil for the ailerons since they are the smallest to start 
> with. But along with my kit came several quart (2 liter) size bags of Q Cell.

> What have people been using this for?
> Just wondering.
> Mike Duane A207
> Redding, California
> XS Conventional Gear

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