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Re: Europa-List: Filler

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Filler
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 12:37:06

Hi Mike,
I know based on what others have said that super-fill is easier to use 
than Q-cell but I mixed the Q Cell up into the fluffy stuff and it 
worked great. Your manuel tells how to do it. I found that doing a 
little filling and sanding along the way of building breaks up the job 
nicely. No since in waiting to the very end of the build to just do 
nothing but sanding & filling. Keep your wet dry vac handy and keep 
cleaning off the sand paper and the part your sanding. Use only quality 
paper as the cheep stuff isn't worth the nothing. Mostly use a flat 
sanding block as a sponge can be used for a few curves. Find someone in 
your area that has sanded composites before because the advice will 
save you big time.
Best Regards,
A258 Testing the engine.

On Nov 8, 2005, at 11:24 AM, wrote:

> Good day All,
> I was just preparing myself for the task of filling and sanding. I 
> have heard
> so much about the hassle of it, but I figure I have to start sooner or 
> later.
> I am using Superfil for the ailerons since they are the smallest to 
> start
> with. But along with my kit came several quart (2 liter) size bags of 
> Q Cell.
> What have people been using this for?
> Just wondering.
> Mike Duane A207
> Redding, California
> XS Conventional Gear

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