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RE: Europa-List: Insurance

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Insurance
From: Steve Crimm <>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:16:38

Falcon is pulling your chain.

I just renewed in the first part of September thru my broker (USAA) who had
it written with AIG for a little over $2200 and a $70,000 hull.

Also I found this out to late but the Soaring Society of America has a deal
with Costello Insurance.  My Europa is registered as a glider and I am going
to check with them because they have a special with the SSA thru AIG.  Any
deal is better than $2200.00 in my book. 

Steve Crimm

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Curtis Jaussi
Subject: Europa-List: Insurance

I have just been told by Falcon Insurance that hull insurance is not
available anywhere in the US for the Europa because of the demise of the
original  Europa  Factory..something to do with fear of spare parts not
being available.  Has anyone else run into this and what solutions may be
out there?

Curtis Jaussi
N6125A trigear

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