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Re: Europa-List: Power Performance Chart

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Power Performance Chart
From: Tim Weert <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 23:54:58

Hi Ira,

I placed the same question on this forum last year, but there was little 
responce. After I have figured out the data from my bird I'll post it for 
general use. what I did for the time being is using a copy of page 10-3, 
page 10-4 and page 10-5 of your Rotax 914 manual at the rear of your 
Checklist. That will help a lot.

In the future I'll install a fuel flow indicator!

Regards, Tim Weert
PH-JAI #460 XS TG 914 AP332

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
Subject: Europa-List: Power Performance Chart

> Hi All,
> Is anyone ready to share a power performance table for the constant speed
> prop- Rotax combinations out there?
> I am looking for the kind of table which includes RPM, MP, fuel Flow,
> KIAS, TAS  at different throttle settings and different density altitudes.
> I have not yet been able to do this for 224XS  because my Floscan sensor
> does not seem to be detected by my BlueMountain and I am awaiting
> a different instrument.
> Ira

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