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Europa-List: "For Sale"

Subject: Europa-List: "For Sale"
From: Bruce Armstrong <>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 13:03:45

Hey guys,
    I'm located near Tampa, FL and have an Monowheel XS 914, Airmaster prop, 
420,Transponder, angle of attack indicator and much more "For Sale". The
value of the dollar may makes this affordable to you guys. The price is $65,000.
She is a 140 kts cruise at 5+ gal/hr. plane with 112 hours on her. We built
her at FlightCrafters near Tampa with the assisstance of Russell Lepre'. She
is certified for light aerobatics and has pulled 2.75 sustained G's. This 
could be put together with a trip to Florida in the winter! Pictures are
available with your E-mail.
Bruce Armstrong  1(941)505-7461

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