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Europa-List: Joggle joint

Subject: Europa-List: Joggle joint
From: Paul Atkinson <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 08:41:26


Your joggle overlap sounds typical to me. Mine and the others I have seen  
are much the same. As far as strengh is concerned I believe the overlap is  
far greater than it needs to be, based on a conversation I had with Andy  
Draper some time ago.

Paul Atkinson

Subject: Europa-List: Joggle Joint

Good day All,

I have been putting the top on and off several times now to get things just
right. One thing that I have noticed is that while all the horizontal epoxy
joints seem to line up, the joggle joint doesn't seem to be fully  

With all things in set, the front lip to the firewall clecoed in place, and
the  trailing edge of the fin lining up, I still get only about a 60%   

in the joggle area. That's about a 3/8" (10mm) gap that does  not provide
strength. Have others had this problem? Is it a problem? Getting  closer  
to bonding

on the top and was just a little concerned.

Mike Duane  A207
Redding, California
XS Conventional Gear
Just about to put the top  on but still finding little things to do before

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