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Re: Europa-List: Door Fitting

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Door Fitting
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 15:24:22

> This sounds like a really bad idea.  Black and composites do not
> mix!!!  I think your transparencies are likely to pop out as the
> redux turns to soft putty on a warm summers day.
> regards,
> MP

I'd think that UV degradation over time would be the biggest factor.
Ignoring whatever UV inhibitors may be in the plexiglass, indoor
storage and/or cabin cover should mitigate that for more years the
acrylic will last..  The softening point of fully cured Redux is very
high, much more than what the sun can ever do, something which can be
tested.  Looks like worst possible case about 155F deg., as the bronze
acrylic appears to cut it back around 10F.   At least, that's what my
infrared temp gun implied on a warm day, extrapolated to mid-90's OAT.

Redux at 200F I found yields under the point of an awl, if pressed
hard, but a test sample could not be pulled apart any easier in
peeling stress at that temp.  Nice to know what holds half the plane
together "ain't chopped liver," as they say!

Fred F.

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