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Re: Europa-List: Re: Competition to supply me with a more emphatic word

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Competition to supply me with a more emphatic word
From: Ami McFadyean <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 17:03:18

I've had success with clear polyurethane tubing in aft-of-firewall
It does however need more physical protection than other types. This can be
provided with spiral wrap. The wrap also helps prevent flattening of the
tube on "tight" bends.
Care is needed not to overtighten clamps on this type of tube, which can
otherwise tear under the sharp edges of over-applied clamping.

Duncan McF.

----- Original Message -----
From: "R.C.Harrison" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Competition to supply me with a more emphatic word

> Europa Matronic circuit chaps .... any contributions to establishing the
whereabouts of teflon lined flexible fuel pipes would be greatly
> Hi! David, Yes I also understood 5 years but counting from when? the kit
is made up prior to sale, when it is sold,  when it is fitted or when it is
first introduced to fuel mogas and /or avgas ?
> If I hadn't had to prat about with my engine it was to be done last
winter...... such is life ......or death!
> I think the stuff is a total abomination automobiles go for years and
years with rubber pipe connections without failures. The Jabiru piping is
seemingly more resilient, but I'd like to get onto this teflon stuff. I've
got a call out to Graham Singleton I'll announce any useful info.
> Regards
> Bob H  G-PTAG
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: David Joyce
>   To: Robert Harrison
>   Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 10:54 AM
>   Subject: Re: Competition to supply me with a more emphatic word than....
>   Bob, Sorry to hear about it, but I suppose better there than 1/2 way
between Norway & Shetlands. And there was I thinking that you had opted out
because it was a bit windy! - which it was - My landing wind at N.Weald
runway 20 was 260 19 kts, but there had been gusts of up to 26kts. On
getting back to Kemble my finals wind was 31kts, gusting 37, but fortunately
only 10deg off heading. Incidentally, your slot was full of any number of
other buggers who were either late or early as well as the several who
should have shared it with you. 120+ planes were expected but only 83 made
>               I have been giving hoses some thought for a while, and your
experience will hasten the decision to replace the lot, (which I understand
should be done every 5 yrs anyway. How old were yours?  Have no idea where
to get Teflon lined hose, but would think it worth airing your experiences
and the question on the email net.
>              Regards, David
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     From: Robert Harrison
>     To: David Joyce
>     Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 12:50 AM
>     Subject: Competition to supply me with a more emphatic word than....
>     Hi! David.
>     Not that my slot at North Weald caused you any delay !
>     I'm looking for a more emphatic word than embarrassed!
>     Major blockage of fuel lines from both main and reserve tanks to tap,
thought to be the inner lining to the fuel pipes degrading and strangling
the fuel supply. fortunately just passing RAF WYTON. !
>     Mind you since I had a sign of a problem when I abhorted my first take
off from Wickenby  I now know every harvested pea field and every "set
aside" brown field between Wickenby and Wyton !
>     I blew back down each pipe to restore full flow only to have each
block up again twice on take off from the very long runway at Wyton (one
>     Needing to collect the a/c on Sunday in the trailer !
>     If you have any unchanged fuel pipe on your bird I suggest you watch
out with bated breath!
>     I managed to get my man there in a taxi for =A360 and he and his wife
picked me up on their way back !
>     Watch this space!
>     regards
>     Bob H  G-PTAG Grounded, have 'plane but won't come out to play.
>     PS Do you know where I can get teflon lined flexible fuel pipe?

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